Managing user permissions

To change permissions in your chat, go to your chat dashboard and click Settings > Permissions.


Each permission is associated with a particular action users can perform in your chat. Most permissions have three options indicating which group of users can perform the action:

  1. Anyone: All users can perform this action.
  2. Signed-In Users Only: Only users logged in with Chatroll, Facebook, Twitter or SSO can perform this action. Users logged in as Guests are not permitted.
  3. Moderators Only: Only administrators and moderators of the chat can perform this action.

On the Permissions page, you can modify the following permissions:

  • Dashboard Access: The selected group of users can access the chat’s dashboard view.
  • Embed Access: The selected group of users can see the embedded chat on your site.
  • History Access: The selected group of users can see the chat history in the dashboard.
  • Post Links: The selected group of users can post links in the chat.
  • Delete Messages: The selected group of users can delete messages in the chat.

Click the Save Settings button for changes to take effect.

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